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The following guidelines provide for the safety and health of our church members while attending services at St. John United Church of Christ.


  • Attendees are always required to wear a face mask, unless you have a medical condition which prevents you from doing so.  If you have forgotten yours, one will be provided for you.  (Children under five years of age are exempt). 

  • Please arrive early for services.

  • Each person will be asked a series of screening questions upon arrival.  If you answer “Yes” to any question you will be asked to view the service on YouTube at your residence.  Once cleared you are instructed to go immediately into the sanctuary and observe safe distancing markings.  Families residing together may sit together.

  • Please print the bulletin prior to service, a limited supply will be provided,

  • Offering plates will be placed at the back of the church.  Offerings will not be collected during services.

  • Based on conference guidelines or government directives we may be required to limit the number of persons attending services.

  • Drinking fountains will not be in service.

  • Restrooms will be open.

  • There will be no singing during services.

  •     At the end of services, remain seated and allow the persons in the back of the church to exit first.  Please leave the building immediately.  If you wish to socialize, you are welcome to do so outside.  Please be sure to practice social distancing and face mask rules when doing so.

  •     During communion services sealed elements will be provided.  Do not open until instructed to do so.  Please pick up a package prior to entering the sanctuary.

  •    All other areas of the building will remain closed at this time and no food or beverages will be served.  Please do not bring any food items into the facility.




  • Have you or anyone in your household tested positive for COVID-19 or been in contact with someone that has tested positive within the last 14 days?

  • Have you had a new or worsening cough or fever in the past day?

  • Do you have any other related COVID-19 symptoms?


                                                Muscle pain

                                                Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing

                                                Sore throat

                                                New loss of taste or smell





If you answer “Yes” to any of the required health questions, you and your entire party will be politely asked to return to your residence and view the service on YouTube.


In the event a person tests positive for COVID-19 the church is required to notify local health authorities as well as potentially exposed members.  This will be done confidentially in compliance with State and Federal regulations.  Church services will be suspended during this time.


At any time, there is a major increase in the number of COVID-19 cases in our locality or as directed by our conference or health authorities, services will be suspended.


The council continues to review health guidelines and updates from the CDC and the Wisconsin Department of Health.  If you have any questions or concerns, please contact a council member,


Updates will be provided via our newsletter, website, and Facebook as they become available.

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